October 15, 2009

I'm off to Melbourne again

yes, I am off to Melbourne again next week, here are the details of the public classes, for retailers there are different classes, so if you own a store, please contact Ange at Scrapware for further details.

Public Classes Saturday 24th October...
Our classes being held at the factory in Croydon, Victoria are coming up and there are a few spots left:

Saturday 24th October 10-12:30

Wearable ATC Nametag with Linda B
6x6 Christmas Shadowbox with Naomi Cox
Saturday 24th October 1-4pm

Wisteria Lane Houses with Linda B
3D Gingerbread House with Naomi Cox
We're also have a samples and seconds sale at the factory...lots and lots of NQR's!

Click HERE to see the class descriptions and pictures.

To book into classes, email Ange on scrapware@iinet.net.au or phone 0414 947262.

October 13, 2009

Sneak preview of some new designs

I'm being flown back to Melbourne later this month, to teach for a weekend and to release some of my newest designs for the company...here are some sneak peaks of some of them (also a snippet of a design by Ange that I was privy to play with).

October 03, 2009

I'm still here

I have been a bit slack with my posts...shame on me, please forgive me, I get distracted so easily.
Since craft camp I have created so stuff, amongst my fave things are this reversed canvas and the mini dress form.